Saturday, February 03, 2007


Is everyone else's household as giddy with anticipation over the release of Cinderella III this Tuesday as ours?!?

No matter what our girls are doing, when they hear that commercial come on they come running. (Which, thanks to Disney, is about every 7 minutes or so). The first time the commercial came on Reese exclaimed, "Look Mommy! Cinderella III! I can't wait to tell Daddy!".

The next time the commercial came on Reese said, "Mommy, can you buy me that for my birthday?". I prided myself on the fact that she didn't just expect it to be handed to her on a silver platter....she would patiently await for a gift giving occasion.

She must have realized her birthday was a long way off, because the next time the ad flashed across our TV her request changed slightly, "Mommy, I have decided to throw a party for you. A celebration. Where you bring me gifts." Hmmmm.....sounds suspicious to me.

Drue brought me crashing down from my pedestal of thinking we haven't spoiled our kids too badly when, the next time the familiar castle came on the screen, she ran across the living room and shouted, "MOMMY! CINDERELLA! I NEED THAT!".

And of course, they will be getting it for Valentine's Day.......

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