Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Kids' Eye View of the Candidates

I don't want to spark a debate.

Or judge anyone for their beliefs.

But I do want to remember this conversation forever. And since it's hard for me to remember what I made for supper two nights ago, I've learned to write down info I don't want to forget.

Like some of you, this is the first Presidential election where I'm left scratching my head thinking, "What in the world?!" 

I'm thankful it's in God I trust, and not a person holding an office.

As with previous elections, the kids are full of questions. Some are amusing, some are thought-provoking, and some are just plain hard to answer. 

We do our best. But I'm always quick to say, "Now just because your friend's parents are voting for so-and-so..." (because that information is readily shared on the playground, believe me) "...doesn't mean we tell them they're wrong or they shouldn't vote for them or anything like that." 

I wish I'd been writing down the kids' questions all along. Because their viewpoint is so simple, so innocent, and just so plain refreshing. 

Today it was pouring rain, so I walked up to the school, umbrellas in hand, to catch Drue and Tate as they came out the doors. The election was a hot topic of discussion as we sloshed our way home.

"People say if *Crump (*name has been changed to protect the candidate's identity) gets elected, they're moving," Tate declared, "And I think we should too."

"Oh? Where would me move to?" I inquired.

He thought for a second and said, "California."

As Drue choked on her laughter, I kindly pointed out the flaw in his reasoning. 

"Oh," he paused, "So I guess he'd rule over Rhode Island too, huh?" 

Canada, Mexico, and Italy were all offered as alternatives by the both of them. 

It then quickly turned into a game of "Would you rather have ______ as President or ________?"

We made it home and I assumed all political discussions would be tabled while they busied themselves consuming the contents of the pantry.

Apparently, Tate's wheels were still turning.  He was in first grade when the last election took place.  And I remember him point blank asking me who I was voting for and, more specifically, why.  Knowing there was no way I could explain the issue in terms a 6 year old would be able to understand, I finally settled on, "Well, because he believes that all babies in their Mommie's tummies should be able to live their lives." That night, as he said the blessing, he added, "And please help all babies be able to live their little lives."

Today, that same issue resurfaced in our conversation. Tate was trying to figure out why a certain candidate would not be getting my vote.

"Well," I took a deep breath, "Because he believes it's ok for a Mommy to kill her baby that's still inside her."

Tate's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion as he blurted out, "Like any Mom would ever do that!"

My heart melted.

He wasn't finished.  "And his wife is ok with that?" he asked in disbelief.

Did I ever plan to discuss this particular issue with my children? Of course not.

Am I going to go into specific reasons with him why a woman might choose to not let her baby be born? Again, no. He still doesn't fully comprehend how babies get there in the first place.

But I do want my kids to feel like they can ask me anything, especially when it comes to our beliefs. And to him, if a woman has a baby in her tummy, she's a Mommy. He knows the first baby in my tummy went straight to Heaven. One I never rocked to sleep, bandaged a knee for, or snuggled with on the couch, but whom I'm a Mommy to all the same.      

As quickly as it had begun, our discussion ended. My little 9 year old headed off to do little 9 year old things.  I have to say, I was quite thankful for the Wii at that specific moment so he could just be a kid and put aside contemplating grown up issues.

And I was left to ponder what the state of our country will be when he's old enough to vote, just another 9 short years away.

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