Wednesday, April 09, 2008

All About the Ears

Reese is wanting to get her ears pierced. But not in an annoying, whiny way. Every now and then, she will just casually mention that one of her little friends has their ears pierced then watch for my reaction.

Tonight, after church, we were cozied up in the chair together watching Idol Gives Back and she chose to tell me that Maddie, a little girl in her choir, has her ears pierced.

Me: "Oh really?".

Reese: "Yep and know what?"

Me: "What?"

Reese: "She said it didn't hurt."

Me: "Oh, well that's good."

We went on to discuss some other things yet our conversation somehow wound back around to pierced ears. I was talking about when I got mine pierced and was trying to think back to how old I was.

"Six?" Reese asked hopefully.

Me: ""

I thought that was the end of it. We continued watching the Idol special. They show heart wrenching stories of children in Africa and other countries dying everyday all because they don't have a $10 mosquito net. She was asking a lot of questions about those little children and cast sideways glances my way to see if I was crying.

They also showed some stories of the thousands of families who lost all they owned in Hurricane Katrina. Their homes, all their memories, everything. The last little girl on that segment quietly said, "I just want to go home...."

Reese's one comment on that story...."She has her ears pierced."

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