For instance, David may be envisioning a relaxing family trip to the zoo, leisurely gazing at the animals and sipping limeades. While, I, on the other hand, look at the clock, see the unpacked diaper bag, 2 girls who are still in their pajamas, 1 hungry baby boy who is scheduled to eat within the next 5 minutes and needs a diaper change, and realize we only have T - 60 minutes until Drue's naptime, which translates to only about 45 minutes of actual outing time before she has a complete meltdown due to fatigue. Once all my observations are voiced out zoo for us.
Today, however, I pushed aside any little reasons that would keep us from going, took one look at the drizzle sliding down our windowpanes, and decided to go for it. So, there we were...10:00am sharp, at Union Station. We got a great parking spot (not too many people are out and about in Kansas City at 10a on a Saturday).
The girls had a great time at Science City. We took our double stroller, and once inside, we "unleashed the beast"...that's code for "letting Drue out of the stroller". They ran from one exhibit to the next with David in the lead, trying his best to get them interested in the scientific explanation for each. Periodic tables, inertia, blah, blah, blah....they just wanted to putter around with the golfball.
"We're going to be done seeing all the exhibits in like 10 minutes," David said. Which he energetically followed with, "Hey, girls, come's a tunnel we can go explore." And he wonders why we are going to get through so quickly? (How many children did I come with exactly???)
Anyway, to add a photojournalistic aspect, here's our day....