Monday, August 14, 2006

Same Tune....New Lyrics

There will probably be quite a few posts like this one....Reese LOVES to sing. So much so, that she has turned our fireplace into a Broadway Stage. She climbs up there and sings her little heart out. Oh, pardon me, FIRST she is adamant that she be introduced. So, about 14 times a day, I belt out, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, Introoooduuuuucing....REESE!". (She is starting to get technical now, and during the day, while David is at work she argues, "But Mommy...there is only ONE boy here....Tate.")

It really is the sweetest thing to hear her sing. Around Christmastime, I'll try and remember to post her singing "Away in a Manger". She starts out really softly and tenderly, even closes her eyes for effect, and sings sweetly about little baby Jesus....that is, until Drue tries to climb up there with her, and her innocent accolades turn to...."DRUE, NO, I WAS SINGING FIRST!! GET DOWN!". Once Drue has been removed from the situation, Reese goes right back to her loving lyrics.

As is often the case with children, she tends to substitute her own words, thinking they are the correct ones. (Oh, wait, I do the same thing still when I'm singing in the car.) When I was small, we'd sing the Hymn, "Let Others See Jesus In You"....but I would sing, "I'd rather see Jesus than you...". (Well, that's probably a true statement).

We recently bought the Veggie Tales Sing the 70s CD, and on it, is the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Yesterday we were in the van and heard Reese singing, ''In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion says 'Good Night'." And a few weeks ago, while I was busy with Tate, I heard her singing something to the tune of "Onward Christian Soliers", only she had turned them into "Kitchen Soldiers". Maybe there is a career in music in her future, I don't know, but we sure do get a kick out of her improvised lyrics....

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