Sunday, August 17, 2008


With Davids' new schedule of working every other weekend, combined with his upcoming trip to Minnesota this week, we had to pack a lot of fun into one day. I am still exhausted from our trip to the zoo and the county fair yesterday.

Their first camel ride. I have been wanting them to do this ever since last summer and yesterday was the big day! It was so cute. And I am sure "camel" will end up on either a birthday list or Christmas list this year.

I love catching the girls being sweet to each other. Reese actually put Drue on the left side of the seat on the train because she was afraid she would fall out the other side. Then she asked Drue if she wanted to hold hands with her as we went through the long, dark tunnel.

We usually take the same route through the zoo each time we go. We buy armbands that allow us to ride everything as much as we want. We always ride the train, tram, and boat. Every trip as we come around through Africa and get to a certain bridge, the girls simultaneously get tired and both want to be carried. We coax them to walk just around the bend where we get in line to wait for the tram to take us back up front. They both conk out on the bench. And Tate walks around and around the bench and plays peek-a-boo around the pillars. That boy never gets tired if we're out and about. He's afraid he'll miss something. He waits until he's buckled back into his carseat and is usually asleep before we get out of the parking lot.

Towards the end of our trip Drue kept saying, "I'm boot. I'm boot." "You're what?" I finally asked "You're boot?".

"Yes" she explained, "You know...tired".
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