Sunday, December 07, 2008



Our Thanksgiving venture to Alabama was a success! The kids did great on BOTH 12 hour car rides. I was thrilled, flabbergasted, and a teensy bit disappointed that I wouldn't have any humorous experiences to blog about. Tate needed a little coercing (tackling) to get back into the van after each pit stop, but overall the traveling part was great. It was a bit spooky to be driving the back roads of Alabama in pitch black darkness, since we didn't arrive until 9pm. But it sure kept Tate quiet as a mouse the last 30 minutes or so because he was scared of the dark.



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Drue loves all of my Uncle Tom's dogs that live there. This one is Hunter.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! I love getting see pictures of your brood and family!

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