Thursday, May 06, 2010

Thank you...I Think

On my days off I drop Reese off at school in my pajamas. I have no desire to arise early, get myself ready, and get her up and ready before 8am. There really is no need. I whisk her up the road in the van and she pops out.

I do try and make myself a little more presentable before I pick her up, however. At least I'm wearing clothes, definitely a smattering of make up, and don't have bed head. We usually walk to pick her up and I visit with the other moms.

Yesterday Tate and I were heading to Leavenworth right after we dropped the girls at school, so I got up early, showered, did my hair and make up and we were on our way.

Reese looked puzzled and said, "Mommy? Do you work today?".

"No", I replied.

This puzzled her even more. "Well, then why are you pretty?".

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