Of course, it took a few times before he finally figured out that with a simple wording change, he could detour around my bad attitude and actually get me to do what he was suggesting. (Wait a minute, I thought I had finally trained him, but it sounds like he's the one who has learned to train me.) BLAST!
Case in point...the other day I got an e-mail from him while he was at work saying, "Here's a challenge for my highly creative wife....I have a picture of the girls lying on their tummies. Can you get a similar picture of all three kids doing this?" Well I jumped at the "challenge" and the fruit of my labor is published below.
Now, had that e-mail read, "Honey, you know what you should do....take a cute picture of our children lying on their tummies for me to take to work".....he would be sleeping in the doghouse that night because I would have been in a huff that he actually assumed I had an extra 5 minutes in my busy day of doing laundry, scrubbing toilets, diapering children, and making supper to sit and pose them for a picture!

**Just a sidenote....this was actually the "first try" picture and I can't belive all three munchkins are: (a) looking at the camera (b) smiling and (c) not pulling each other's hair, kicking each other, or trying to smother poor little Tate with kisses. (When I pose them all for a picture I usually end up taking about 20 just to get 1 that looks presentable).

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