Monday, March 12, 2007

And So Goes My Life

The kids and I were in the backyard today enjoying the GORGEOUS weather, when among the toys and bazillions of sticky gum balls from our tree, I noticed this simple, perfect, purple flower blooming. I dashed inside to get my camera planning to do a simple post about the first sign of Spring's arrival.


I took a few shots (none of which really turned out by the way) already composing a few sweet little words about Spring symbolizing new beginnings in my head. No sooner did I turn around to look through the pictures on my camera, one of our beagles, Mabel, stomped right through the garden crushing the fragile little flower. I bent down to examine her damage and discovered the flower was still attached to the stem, just a bit dirty and beaten up. It would survive.


I turned back around to begin my picture selection process, and when I looked up, Drue had plucked the beat up little flower out of the garden and was clutching it in her filthy little fingers. At least, if it had to be sacrificed, it was being enjoyed for a bit by my daughter, I mused.


As I was walking away, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something come sailing over my shoulder. Drue had already grown tired of this little miracle of Spring and tossed it onto the bricks where it will lay until one of the kids picks it up another day and decides to systematically pluck each petal off one by one.

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And there you have it folks. That's how my life with a houseful of kids and dogs tends to go.

And I wouldn't have it any other way...


Anonymous said...

Hey-- At least it's not a dandelion ;-)

Margo said...

I happen to love dandelions. ;-)My yard is covered in 'em.

It's so nice how your hubbie reads your blog. Mine doesn't care to look at mine.

Yea for Spring!!!! Good shots!! :-)

Kristen said...

Margo--My husband has to read my blog because 9 times out of 10, that's the only way he finds out about some of the crazy stuff that goes on around here! It takes too much effort to try and talk to each other when the kids are screaming, jumping off the couch, etc. and when they're finally asleep, we're just too tired! :)

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