Exersauser: Take II

After awhile we headed up to our seats. Up, up, up, and up some more. They were still great seats, because we were able to see everything that was going on. We were exhausted by the time we made it to them, however. David was carrying both girls, which is eqivalent to about 70 pounds. 70 squirmy pounds. We had gone ahead and purchased 4 tickets, even though Drue could have gotten in free. We got the extra seat as more of a buffer zone, to hold our stuff, and, because, if we hadn't gotten it, sure enough this would have been the very night Drue would have wanted a seat all to herself.
I just wish the arena seats came equipped with seatbelts to strap the little dears in. This was the best picture we could get, because at no time during the entire show, were Reese and Drue both sitting still, facing forward at the same time! Half the time they were both on David's lap and he later said it felt like he was trying to hold an octopus the way their little arms and legs kept flailing about. (Tate slept peacefully through the 2nd act in my arms).
We finally all got situated and settled for a bit after David and Drue went and got popcorn and water. As David plopped into his seat, I asked the girls, "Aren't you excited? We're at the circus!". "We live in a circus," he piped in. Thus I couldn't help making the following comparisons to our household and the circus:
I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful husband, and three amazing kids, and for allowing me to be a part of .....The Greatest Show On Earth!There was so much going on at once, it was hard to keep track of everything. Clowns, horses, trained dogs....three separate circles of activity....three rings....wait a minute...that's when it dawned on me why people compare crazy, busy, insane places to a 3 ring circus!!! Sort of like when Tate is crying, Reese is calling for me to come help her in the bathroom, and Drue is yelling that she wants to get down from the table but is covered in yogurt....SIMULTANEOUSLY!
I watched in awe and fear as two men performed on this huge apparatus that resembled a hamster wheel, flipping around on top of it seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were 2 stories high with no harnesses to keep them from plunging to the ground. I will probably have the same feeling I had watching them when the kids ride their bikes for the first time without training wheels, or as I watch them pull out of the driveway in the driver's seat of a car! It will be scary, and I'll be a bundle of nerves, but you gotta let them go sometime and just pray God will protect them.
And my last observation about the similarities between the circus and our life, was during the finale. I couldn't believe it was already over and was almost 10:00pm! I realized that no matter how crazy our life with three little ones feels at times, it will pass by so quickly....I need to enjoy every minute of it. As we pack Tate off to college, I know I'll long for the days of squirmy kids and sticky cotton candy kisses.