David's favorite exhibit was the privies (the johnny on the spots for you 21st century lads and lassies). He was impressed with the progress they've made sanitationwise. He excitedly explained to me how they now have built in hand sanitizers and deoderizers so they hardly smelled at all. That's great honey....so we spent $50 + on tickets, lunch, and rides, and all you are taking away from the whole experience is how cool the bathrooms were???
I had one minor anxious attack when it was time for Tate to eat and there was nowhere to feed him, without trekking all the way back to the van. (I ration out his bottles for when my mom comes to stay with the kids or my Bunco nights when David stays home with them.) So we found a shaded picnic table, complete with overhanging vines, behind one of the shows going on. I sat there pondering what makes those women dressed in Renaissance garb feel free to parade around the grounds with their buxom bosoms hanging out of their dresses, while other super modest gals like myself, try their darndest to nurse discreetly under the vines, terrified that someone may glance my way and get a glimpse of.....2 blankets draped around my shoulders.
Here's little froggy Reese waiting for a handsome prince to come and kiss her.... (I know, that's backwards, but it made for a cute picture)

Daddy and his girls.....ahem, his little princesses......

The Hollaway lassies getting ready to ride the mighty dragon swing. Drue held on to me for dear life the entire time until her chubby little knuckles turned white, but it was all in good fun....

Tates' first solid food.....the festivals' famous turkey leg. (I wish he really could have nibbled on it...thus bypassing our little nursing fiasco).

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it.....while I was downloading these pictures, Tate rolled over successfully for the first time from his back to his tummy! (Of course, I missed it because I was facing the computer!!). Blast! You go little buddy.....
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