This first one is just cute and colorful and that's a good enough reason for me to post it.

This is him in his "little old man nightshirt". (David won't let me get him a matching one to wear for some pooper)

The next two pictures were taken after I had been upstairs putting Drue down for her nap. Poor little Tate will definitely have the "3rd Child Syndrome". Let me explain. With Reese we had to buy Pampers, wash her paci off every 15 seconds...(if it happened to hit the germ ridden floor...we'd boil it for 5 minutes) and we picked her up at every whimper.
When Drue came along, we started off buying Pampers, but we had 2 in diapers at this time, so we gave the Costco generic brand a try, and lo & behold, their cotton blend material held the pee in just the same for less money. SCORE! We followed the 5 second rule if her paci hit the floor, and we'd try to get her as quickly as possible when she cried. If David was home, we had "man on man" defense with one parent per child. If I was home alone with them, however, "quickly" might mean, "after I scoop Reese out of the bath, dry her off, and put her in her pjs" then I could tend to Drue.
Then we added Tate to the mix. I predict he will learn to change his own diaper at 6 months, simply due to the fact that he will get so tired of waiting for Mommy to take care of it. He started off wearing Pampers, because Costco doesn't sell newborn diapers, but then I discovered Target has a generic brand in all sizes. Hope you enjoyed your super soft namebrand covered bum while it lasted kid. In a frantic attempt to get him to stop crying (which he doesn't really do all that often) if we happen to find a paci under the sofa cushion, we just shake off the crumbs and pop it in his mouth (not really...I just added that for effect).
And finally, we get to the whole point of my story about these last 2 pictures. I was upstairs putting Drue down for her nap and left Tate playing happily under his little gym in the living room. I was right in the middle of her story when I heard him kind of start to whimper. (While we're speaking of birth order complexes, I am also worried that Drue will have the "middle child"/Jan Brady syndrome, so I try to make a conscious effort to make her see that she is special and unique). So, I didn't want to just jump up in the middle of my only 1:1 time with her to tend to Tate. He wasn't wailing, just whimpering a bit.
After storytime and nap songs, I tucked Drue in, and headed downstairs to check on my youngest. No whimpering, no legs kicking his chimes...he had put himself to sleep! Now if he could just learn to hoist himself up into the kitchen sink and give himself a bath, we'd be in business.........

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