Weighing in at 9 lbs 5 1/2 oz, she was a whopping 3 pounds larger than Reese was at birth. Nobody could figure out where I had been hiding her during my entire pregnancy. It's always fun calling family and friends to tell them the joyous news of the arrival of the long awaited little one. But it was even more fun making everyone guess her weight. We got guesses from 7-8 pounds and everyone was so shocked when we'd blurt out her actual weight.
I thought I was being so smart by buying a preemie outfit to bring her home in. Reese was way too tiny to come in the 0-3 month outfit we brought to the hospital so I had to send David home to get a smaller one. This time, I bought one that only went up to 8 pounds. Once again, David was sent home to get a different outfit, only this time, a bigger outfit.
We were so much more relaxed the second time around during the newborn/baby stage. It has been so neat to watch Drue's little personality evolve and see the differences and similarities to that of her big sister. Drue (affectionately nicknamed "Druebie") is a spunky little spitfire who keeps us on our toes. David jokes that he didn't really get to interact, or get to know her, for the entire first year of her life since I nursed her and I was the only one who could settle her down if she got fussy. It was so nice to have a "mommy's girl" since Reese was, and still is, such a daddy's girl. However, as soon as Drue became mobile and was able to rough house and play, she was won over to the dark side.....the Daddy side. (I fear for poor Tate, since I now have 2 daddy's girls, I am determined to make him a "momma's boy".)
Happy Birthday Drue! We love you. You are such a joy and light in our lives. We will do our best to raise this special young lady God has entrusted to our care.

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