Monday, January 08, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ballgame.....(but bring some kleenex)

Either I'm just getting older and more frail, or these cold bugs today are getting more brutal! This is the second one I've had in a matter of months, and they wreak havoc on my poor, beat up, little immune system. Once again, David stepped up to the plate, however, this time in addition to getting some hits, he also had a few strikes....

HIT: He volunteered to take the kids to church while I stayed home to rest on Sunday morning.

STRIKE: When I asked if he was taking Tate also, he replied, "Well, no. It would really be easier on me if I didn't have to take him."

HIT: He stopped at the grocery store on the way home from church and got some provisions for my sickly self on his own accord.

STRIKE: The "provisions" he brought home were Chicken & Stars soup, Sprite, and Gatorade! What the heck? After he caught me looking through the bags, bewildered there wasn't anything of substance in them, he said, "Isn't this the type of stuff you ate when you were sick growing up?". "Yes", I replied. "When I had the stomach flu and could only tolerate a clear liquid diet!! I'm HUNGRY!". "Your stomach isn't bothering you?", he inquired, clearly confused. "Then what's wrong with you?".

HIT: He came home early from work to supervise the troops so I could crawl under the safe haven of my covers.

STRIKE: This was after I called him at lunchtime and left him a pleading gravelly sounding voicemail at work that went something like this....."Silly me. Why did I think my husband might call and check up on his sicker than sick wife who is at home taking care of his children? Silly, silly me....thinking he might actually care to know how she's feeling....".

All in all, he was a wonderful team player so I'll choose to overlook his strikes. (Even if he did offer to make me some dry toast for supper this evening......FOR THE 12th TIME I DON'T HAVE THE STOMACH FLU!!!)

I parked myself on the couch much of the day and Drue kept climbing up kissing me and saying, "Feel better now Mommy?". I apologized to Reese a couple times saying how sorry I was that this was such a stinky day and Mommy didn't feel like playing and didn't even have a voice to read to them. "It's not a stinky day Mommy. We just want you to feel better."

And I am feeling much better already......I better I'll have the energy to take care of the rest of the family when the bug inevitably gets passed to them......

1 comment:

Margo said...

Sounds like overall your hubby is a pretty considerate guy. Now, if you can only get it through to him that your stomach is not the problem! lol :-) (Aren't you glad it's not your stomach? That's just the worst!)

Feel better soon! Your little ones are too sweet. When I'm sick my boys just kick me more. Why do they kick me in the first place even??

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